Counting environmental impacts using attributional and consequential approaches

Hubblo LCA Consequential Attributional CO2 Environment Climate GHG Digital ICT

Environmental impacts are most of the time calculated following the attributional approach, which basically means \"attributing a share of the cake\" of the environmental impacts to an actor or a functional unit. The Consequential approach is less known, but sometimes far more instructive regarding the short-term and long-term impact dynamics. This article presents both approaches and explains the benefits and biases of both.

Counting environmental impacts using attributional and consequential approaches Cover image is based on pictures from Romain Guy and from ChrisA1995
Reviewers : Jacques Combaz and Hubblo’s team
Acknowledgments : Adeline Agut, Bruno Thomas
Introduction Environmental impacts are physical phenomena taking place within the biosphere. They can be localized to particular areas (land use, air pollution, etc.) or global (contribution to global warming, depletion of abiotic resources, etc.

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Scaphandre v1.0 is here : Windows support, IT resources metrics, packaging, and more…

Hubblo Energy Electricity RAPL MSR Power Energizta Scaphandre IT

V1.0 of Scaphandre has been released, including Windows support and a better coverage of a machine's components power usage. It is an important milestone for the project. Here’s why.

Scaphandre v1.0 is here : Windows support, IT resources metrics, packaging, and more… V1.0 of Scaphandre has been released. It is an important milestone for the project. Here’s why.
New features Here’s a quick overview of the new features included in this release.
Linking metrics on power, energy and IT resources actually consumed on the machine is one efficient way to find optimization levers.

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Hubblo is growing

Hubblo Climate Governance Organisation Transparency ICT

Hubblo is growing. We, Muleine Lim, David Ekchajzer, Laurent Eskenazi, Eric Fourboul and Benoit Petit, bring together our expertise in favor of the assessment and reduction of the environmental impacts of digital services, infrastructure and activities...

Abstract We, Muleine Su Lim, David Ekchajzer, Laurent Eskenazi, Eric Fourboul and Benoit Petit, bring together our expertise in favor of the assessment and reduction of the environmental impacts of digital technology in organizations (services, infrastructures and digital activities).
Together, we offer a three-part offer based on open-source software, support and research and development. This offer allows us to support organizations, from awareness raising, through diagnosis, to impacts monitoring.

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