I am a software publisher

and I want to monitor the progress of my application's environmental impact during development and deployment.

Software publisher

With Carenage, I can monitor the behavior and environmental impacts of my application and its functionalities throughout my CI chain, version by version, pull request by pull request.

Using the impacts metrics dashboard, I can track the changes brought by changes in my development practices and guide my architectural and technical choices to progressively reduce the impacts of my application. Using the API and raw metrics, I programmatically analyze impacts trends in my company’s analytics, reporting and BI tools. Finally, as I test my application, I compare the IT resource consumption metrics with the environmental metrics to identify the most relevant levers for reduction.

In my personal experience in software development, we often don’t consider the fact there is a significant resource consumption attached to software itself. With the SoftAWERE project, we are creating visibility for this fact-based on energy consumption, enabling developers to build more efficient software, choose more efficient libraries, and support the open-source community to contribute to fighting climate change

I am part of an operations and maintenance team

and would like to see the current environmental impacts of my IT infrastructure.

Operation & maintenance

I report the intermediate metrics required for this environmental assessment and its results in the form of monitoring data (energy consumption, material inventory, component by component).

I am able to create impacts dashboards using the same tools I use every day to measure, monitor and alert.

To sharpen our thinking and enrich it with tangible data, we set out to measure the carbon footprint associated with hosting a Liiibre instance [...] A task that proves more complex than it first appears, given the lack of data in the sector (surprisingly!). Fortunately, we're very fortunate to have the support of Eric Fourboul and Benoit Petit, who work at Hubblo and co-host Boavizta, as well as Julie Orgelet (DDemain).

I am a cloud provider

and I want to report their environmental impacts to my clients.

Cloud provider

Hubblo can help you develop your impact calculator and customer dashboards. Using open source tools that we develop or contribute to, we tailor the system to meet your customers’ environmental reporting or monitoring requirements.

From measuring energy consumption with Scaphandre to assessing the environmental impact of a service in your catalogue (compatible with Ademe’s PCR Cloud) using the Boavizta API and appropriate databases, our support and integration of available tools aims to simplify and systematize environmental presentation in compliance with current standards.

Providing data about the environmental impact of VMs to users of an OpenStack cloud deployment is clearly achievable with tools like Scaphandre. The data is both informative and can be used to motivate more responsible and efficient usage. […] Many thanks to Benoit Petit and Hubblo for creating Scaphandre and assisting us.

I am part of an IT department

and would like to evaluate and display the environmental impacts of my hardware and software in a way that is compatible with the ADEME's PCR information systems.

IT Department

I automatically collect the inventory of my digital resources with Cabestan to enable an accelerated evaluation of my impacts.